
I have nothing to offer
Neither fair skin or purity
My body is scarred
My face is ugly
My soul is bleeding
I've been taunted
I've been hurt
My heart is aching
My thoughts are frightening
Cause now I'm in fear
I'm scared when you're near
You'll be surprise with what I've done
With my soul and my mind
I'm not pretty I'm covered with flaws
But I can only give you this shattered heart
Cause that's the only thing I got.

It sucks.
- wolf


Unknown said…
That was beautiful ~ i wonder ;)
Yoo ♡ said…
Rindunyaaa dekat poem2 igs heheh XD singgah tanpa diundang kejap kat sini XD
Fatin said…
You are creative dear :)

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