
Showing posts from July, 2017


For I have sin Asked to be forgiven What's hidden within Is unspoken Every wrong doing Always been regretting I keep saying I'm going to stop these acting But I keep repeating The same thing I keep on praying To keep changing To be a better human being Yet I keep undertaking For the devil's tasking Crying crying I keep on sinning I still trying Stopping these sinisterly playing I keep misbehaving While quitting Not realizing Slowly killing Every feeling More sinning It's digusting I am fading Inside still hoping That I'll keep on improving For a better life For a better me Keep repeating same words cause I suck at trying to make a poem. It's not a poem though I tried. Typed by : wolf


Alice Alice You bear no malice You imagine the unimaginable You make it seems possible To have adventures With all those creatures To make new friends And also amends Alice Alice You bear no malice It's unfortunate that you don't remember The poem that was asked by the caterpillar You do have a manner And sometimes temper You were there in the court You were attacked cause you're not short Alice Alice Your bear no malice What a wonderful girl you'll be You dreamt a wonderful world and see How wonderful characters you've made So wonderful creations you've create A wonderful bunny with a watch in it's hand Here comes a wonderful adventure of Alice in Wonderland   - wolf


Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowed to cry Not allowe...


I am lost I don't know where to go or what to eat Someday I eat alot Someday I might not eating at all Everyday feels so grey The colours are broken The wind have stopped working now Oh why is it so dark in here Who turn off the lights now I'm walking all blind now Oh why is it I can't see clear Is it full or is it blank I'm not sure what I drank Just now So baby help me now I think I'm lost I think I'm drowning The water is thick I'm choking blood I am lost I don't know how to breath and what to think Someday I overthinking Someday I feel so stuck I couldn't breath - wolf